Gábor DANYI Panoramic garden in keeping with its surroundings Garden of the Year 2008 – Certificate of Special Merit(Summary)
In this project my aim was to design
a panoramic garden on the
south slope of Badacsony Hill
which would be in keeping in appearance
with the surrounding
landscape. Since the site is situated
on a south facing slope, with
a 3-5 % gradient towards southeast,
it has plenty of sun. Hard
landscaping was carried out in
a way that the excess rain water
drains from the building through
the site operating on the principle
of gravity.
The seating, cooking
area, placed on the highest
point of the garden, was slightly
raised to furthermore emphasize
the beautiful panorama over the
surroundings. This resting area is
dominated by an elegantly large,
curved seat where the back of
the seat is formed by the retaining
wall connecting the gardens
two levels. A radial pergola was
erected above this patio. We used
law growing flowering shrubs and
herbaceous perennials as partition
throughout the garden to give
a year around interest but keep
and enhance the existing panorama.